Sequencing the Curriculum
We choose to use the scheme EssentialsMaths as the planning is based on clear progression of mathematical concepts, that leads to consistency of approach across all key stages. To support the development of skills for all children, we use the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach, which is developed across year groups.
As with all schemes, we reviewed this scheme against our curriculum drivers to ensure it meets our intent and provides our children with the learning they need to be successful when they leave Kenilworth. We also adapt this scheme against the needs of our children, both individuals and cohorts.
Curriculum Delivery – Maths |
Overviews |
Working Mathematically
We have adopted the HfL ESSENTIAL maths working mathematically progression policy, as it clearly demonstrates the progression of key second order mathematical concepts that we follow within our Essential Maths scheme.
Working Mathematically |
Calculation Policy
We have adopted the HfL ESSENTIALmaths written calculation progression, as it clearly demonstrates the progression of calculations that we follow within our Essential Maths scheme. It links the key concrete experiences with pictorial and abstract representations (written symbolic and spoken). This supports pupils to move with confidence and deep conceptual understanding through each strand of calculation.
Calculation Policy |
Supporting Your Child At Home
Times Tables Rockstars (Ask your child’s class teacher for your child’s login details)
NumBots (Ask your child's class teacher for your child's login details)
BBC Bitesize – Key Stage 1 and 2 maths
Primary Games Arena – games
Hit the Button – times tables and number bonds games
Math is Fun – great explanations of mathematical concepts
Maths Zone – portal to lots of maths games and quizzes