Thank you for your interest in joining Kenilworth Primary School.
Kenilworth Primary is a one form entry primary school admitting one class of 30 children into Reception each September. We also have a Nursery which offers 15 hour and 30 hour places to children in the term after they turn three years old.
At present there are two admission processes, one for Nursery Admissions and one for Primary Admissions. Parents are invited to apply to the school directly for a place in the Nursery Class. Please see the admissions policy for Nursery below.
Reception Admissions
Applications for children to join our Reception class in September 2025 will open on Friday 1st November 2024 and close on Wednesday 15th January 2025. Admissions are dealt with by Hertfordshire County Council online.
Admission Tours
Before choosing your child’s school, it is incredibly important for you to get a feel for the school in action. Dates for parent tours are as shown below below.
- Thursday 26th September 2024 at 9:30am
- Monday 30th September 2024 at 9:30am
- Monday 14th October 2024 at 9:30am
Please contact the school office on if you are interested in viewing the school. If you have any further questions please call the school on 0208 953 3459.
Admission to the school is arranged via the coordinated admissions scheme organised by the Hertfordshire County Council.
For full information (including relevant dates, over-subscription criteria, online applications and the appeals process) please visit:
Hertfordshire Reception Admissions Website
Nursery Admissions
For more information about our Nursery, please read the leaflet below, it contains further information about our Nursery provision and the hours we are able to offer for 15 hour and 30 hour places.
Nursery Application
We are able to accept admissions throughout the school year and currently have places available for 15 hour and 30 hour places.
If you are looking for a place in our nursery please call the school office on 0208 953 3459.
If you are looking for admissions at the start of the term in September, please use the below information:
Our application process begins in January each year. To apply for a school place you must submit an application form (see below). Applications must be sent directly to the school office.
If you are successfully allocated a place, you be informed by letter and email.
Parents will need to fill in all parts of the form before returning it to the school office. Incomplete applications will not be considered as part of the nursery admissions.
Admissions Process
Once the closing date has arrived, we will then consider all the applications made. If there are less than 30 applications made, all offers will be made.
If we receive more applications, then the following over-subscription criteria will be applied.
Children with an EHCP
Looked After Children
Medical or Social Reasons
One or more of the parents working in the school
Parents taking up the 30 hour offer
The distance the child lives from the school
To be eligible for criteria 1-3, further documents will be required at the point of application. If these are not sent in with the application form, these criteria will not be considered
If your application is unsuccessful you have the right to lodge an appeal with the governing body.
If you wish to lodge an appeal, you have 20 school days from the date of notification that your application was unsuccessful to prepare and lodge your written appeal.
You will be given a further 20 school days to submit additional evidence, for admission authorities to submit their evidence and for the clerk to send appeal papers to the panel and parties.
You will receive at least 10 school days# notice of your appeal hearing.
All decision letters will be sent within 5 school days of the hearing wherever possible.
Casual Admissions
Please call Hertfordshire County Council for information on any vacancies in our year groups.
Before applying for a place at Kenilworth, we recommend you contact the school office to book a tour with Mrs Ajose.